Since today is Wednesday and it is time for another celebrity tattoo post I thought I would go with former Spice Girl Victoria "Posh" Beckham. One of the reason I decided to do her today is because of the post I wrote yesterday about tattoos being trashy or sexy. Now it should be no surprise to people that Victoria has several tattoos and they are in noticeable places. But in my opinion the way she carries herself and they attitude she has her tattoos do not look trashy to me at all.
Victoria has five tattoos as of now and living up to her Posh nickname she has kept them classy if that makes any sense. Her first tattoo is on her lower back and it is five stars. The five starts represent her, David and their three sons, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz.
Her second tattoo is going down the back of her neck. Victoria and David got these matching tattoos on their 6th wedding anniversary. It is in Hebrew and is from the Song of Songs 2:16: I am my beloved and my beloved is mine. Which is you remember Christina Aguilera has this same tattoo.
The third tattoo that Victoria has is MAY 08 1997 in roman numerals tattooed on her wrist. Strangely enough this is the first time the two had sex and Victoria thought it was a great event in her life to be remembered.
The last and newest of Victoria's tattoos is located on her wrist under the Roman numerals. However, no one is quit sure what is says. To me looks like it could say De Integra, De Enegra or De Intopa.
After her husband's much-publicized affair, Victoria Beckham is shaken, but not stirred. If anything, she's more fabulous than ever!
Victoria, The Survivor

ince the Spice Girls disbanded, Victoria Beckham dabbled with a rather unsuccessful solo singing career, a stint as a talk show host, and an attempt at writing a book. It does sometimes seem as if Victoria has no real talent to offer. She is a great mother to her three children and it seems a lovely wife. This changed when she designed a very cool limited jeans line for Rock Republic. We are well down the road from the launch date, but Harvy Nichols is still selling dVB's like crazy.
ince the Spice Girls disbanded, Victoria Beckham dabbled with a rather unsuccessful solo singing career, a stint as a talk show host, and an attempt at writing a book. It does sometimes seem as if Victoria has no real talent to offer. She is a great mother to her three children and it seems a lovely wife. This changed when she designed a very cool limited jeans line for Rock Republic. We are well down the road from the launch date, but Harvy Nichols is still selling dVB's like crazy.
Victoria, The Designer
The 5th of September this year not only ushered in the New York Fashion Week, but also the birth of a new Victoria Beckham as couture designer extraordinaire. In a private showing at the Waldorf Hotel in Park Avenue, Victoria Beckham unveiled her debut fashion collection under her own label, VB, to a select group of retailers and fashion editors.
The word of the day was 'classy', and that was exactly what Victoria Beckham's pieces were! All 10 of her original designs showed the designer's partiality to fitted dresses with raised waistlines and mid-calf lengths - the same styles that she's been sporting lately to great effect.
Victoria Beckham's use of fabrics like silk, organza, and wool was impressive, but it was her attention to detail that had spectators reeling with admiration. Not only do her designs look tasteful, she's also taken measures to avoid vulgar wardrobe malfunctions with such subtle details like inner grosgrain waistbands and folded tucks along the bustline, to name a few. Indeed, Victoria Beckham knows all about the subtle nuances of wearing a dress - like what makes it photograph well, or how to make a corset bearable for hours on end - and she's sharing her expertise to all and sundry, a gesture that's not lost to fans and critics alike.
Victoria, The Fashion Icon
It goes without saying that the first VB collection was very well received, and has already been taken on by Harvey Nichols, while negotiations are underway between the designer and other retailers. Posh is also currently designing a handbag line for Samantha Tharasa.
Good press, bad press - who cares? Oh no, not Victoria Beckham. The collection was very well received. If this is an indication of things to come, VB is set on the road of designer!
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